
A PDF version of my CV can be found here



Manzano-Morales S, Liu Y, González-Bodí S, Huerta-Cepas J, Iranzo J. “Comparison of gene clustering criteria reveals intrinsic uncertainty in pangenome analyses. Genome Biol. 2023;24(1):250. doi:10.1186/s13059-023-03089-3 (pdf)


Manzano-Morales S, Liu Y, Huerta-Cepas J, Iranzo J. 2022. “Operational Gene Clusters and Intrinsic Uncertainty in Pangenome Analyses.” BioRxiv 2022.09.25.509376’ (pdf)

Posters and talks


Poster - 22-27 July 2023: SMBE, Ferrara (Italy) Manzano-Morales S, Gabaldón T. “Horizontal Gene Transfer in Asgard Archaea”

Talk - 5 July 2023: XII Jornada de Biología Evolutiva, Barcelona (Spain) Manzano-Morales S, Gabaldón T. “Horizontal Gene Transfer in Asgard Archaea”

Poster - 25-28 June 2023: XXI Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología, Burgos (Spain) Guerrero J, Crespo, D Manzano-Morales S, Prieto, A; Barriuso, J. “Análisis transcriptómico de un consorcio mixto hongo-bacteria para la valorización de un residuo lignocelulósico”

Talk - 9-10 May 2023: 10th BSC Doctoral Symposium, Barcelona (Spain) Manzano-Morales S, Gabaldón T. “Horizontal Gene Transfer in Asgard Archaea”


Poster & Lightning Talk 3-7 October 2022: ERGA Biodiversity Genomics, Online Manzano-Morales S, Gabaldón T “A pan-genome view of the Asgard archaea, the closest relatives of eukaryotes”

Poster - 17-18 September 2022: Quest for Orthologs 7, Sitges Manzano-Morales S, Gabaldón T. “A pan-genome view of the Asgard archaea, the closest relatives of eukaryotes”

Poster 12-17 September 2022: EMBO Workshop. Comparative genòmics of unicellular eukaryotes: Interactions and symbioses, Sant Feliu de Guixols Manzano-Morales S, Gabaldón T. “A pan-genome view of the Asgard archaea, the closest relatives of eukaryotes”


Manzano-Morales, Saioa. 2021. “Inference and Comparison of Prokaryotic Pangenomes: Orthology vs Sequence Identity. Comparing the PanX, Eggnog-mapper and Roary Pipelines”. Master’s Degree Thesis. (available here)